Our time is growing short down here in sunny AZ and it is going to be hard to give up this perfect weather. Today it was in the 80's so we went swimming - its December and we are still swimming - I LOVE it!!! Even though it feels like summer, we are still feeling the holiday spirit around here. Our house is decorated, we have a live tree that smells wonderful, the outside lights are pretty, and most importantly, June is excited about everything Christmas. It is so much fun to experience this time of year with a three year old, she makes it magic. We watched the Polar Express last night and I think she was captivated by it!!! She knows all about Santa and wants to be on the good list. Every toy commercial that comes on she asks me, "can we get that from Santa?" My Jack still doesn't really know what is going on, but he is having a good time anyway.
I don't really have any relevant photos, but here are some of the family pics we had taken back in November :)
Good luck with the move...going from sunny AZ to cold northern ID will be a huge change.
Loved your Christmas card!! Everybody looks so great. Missed you guys at Granny Jo's Christmas party, not the same without you guys there...
Your Christmas card was great! Thanks!
Sadie and I just spent the last 20 minutes looking back through your blog at pictures of her friend June. She kept asking if she can say hi to June. I need to get your Skype address so they can talk! Sadie was I excited to see all the fun things June has done in Yuma. She was especially excited to see that June got to meet Cinderella. Sadie LOVES Cinderella like no other princess. Hopefully June does too, wink wink! We have missed you so much this season, and we will for sure miss your family at Christmas. We hope to see you as you pass by here next month!
Love your family pictures! So funny that you guys went swimming!
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