On Monday Sean called me and said, "Guess who I just talked to." I said, "the Border Patrol" and he replied "yes."
We have been waiting for some time now for this call, but when it came we were still shocked. For one, Sean was told that he needs to report for orientation on the 16th of November (that's next week). Number two, we also were informed that it is mandatory dormitory style living and that families are not encouraged to move to the area. With that said, we had a big decision to make in one day (the Border Patrol guy gave Sean 24 hrs to give him an answer). I was excited and scared all at the same time. This is our life, and this decision will effect our family forever. We love where we live - all of our family is pretty much right here. We grew up here, and this is what we know and where we feel comfortable.
I think Sean and I both knew what our answer was going to be. We both thought about it all day and came to the same conclusion - we were taking the job! The days following have been a bit of a whirlwind. We now have to pack up and move. Sean will be moving down to New Mexico to the Border Patrol Training Academy, and me and my kids will be moving in with my parents until Sean is done with training in April (yes, that is a very long time to be separated from each other :( ). After training our next stop will be Yuma, AZ for about 10 months and then up to Northern Idaho!! We are excited about the places we will be stationed. It will be a huge change for us, but we look forward to the challenge. After all, this life isn't always about being comfortable - we are here to grow, learn, and become better people. We are taking a giant step forward into a place we have never been, but we have faith that this is the right move for us, and that good things will come out of this. Wish us luck!!!!