Monday, July 21, 2008

Climbing the Grand

My two brothers are up in the Tetons climbing the Grand today. They left early Monday morning and they will summit on Tuesday morning. I may be a tad bit jealous that they are doing this without me, but it is great that the two of them are experiencing this together. They have always been best buds. So, if you are in the area look up to the Grand - use your imagination - and you will be able to see them. They said they would wave to me, so I will definitely be on the look out!!!!! Good luck Stuart and Preston.


Kambria said...

I am so excited for the two of them. Tell them to please be careful.

Lori Harris said...

Wow! I was up in the Valley today and it was a freaking monsoon. I totally thought of your brothers and prayed that everything is okay. I'm sure it only made their journey more adventurous.

Melanie said...

How awesome for our boys!! Glad they are down safe and sound...

Amanda said...

I can still here the batman theme song....what precious memories I have of your family.

Emily said...

I love the capes! what a great picture!